- Römerstr. 1| 69115 Heidelberg
- (49) 06221 - 6516090
- info@heidelbergdentistry.com
American Dental Association
Ankylos Implantat
Bicon Implantat
Bio Research Electronic Equipment for the Physiologic Dentist
Cranial Facial Therapy Academy
Certified CFR Practitioners
Deutsche Gesellschaft Zahnärztliche Schlafmedizin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn, Mund und Kieferheilkunde
International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics
International Assocation of Physiologic Aesthetics
Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies
Myotronics Products for the Neuromuscular Dentist
Patent Ceramic Implants Champions
Stillberatung (Lactation Consulting)